Little Ballerina Josephine twirled her little heart out on the big stage!
Now for the bad news, we don't have any photos or videos of the actual performance. Both were strictly prohibited and our seats were right by the ushers. The girls were dressed and undressed backstage in their costumes so the only time we saw her in it was when she was on the stage. All this said, she did have a photo taken a couple of weeks ago in her costume and we do get a DVD of the performance so the big show will make it to the blog...eventually.
In the meantime, here are the photos from home before and after the big event!
Josie was really excited that she got to wear "stage make-up". I had so much fun doing her hair and makeup (although it was a very surreal moment for sure) but my heart broke a little when I looked at her in the mirror and realized how big "Sweet Baby Josie" has gotten.
Her lip gloss lasted about 2.2 seconds because she just couldn't stop touching it to make sure it was still there.
DD and his girls (Isn't Bea's expression hilarious?)
What is a ballet show without adoring Grandparents?
All the ladies
After the show, Josie was WHOOPED but not too tired for a few photos with her flowers (thanks to Carissa for telling us that flowers for the ballerina were a necessary part of the event and to Grandma & DD for stopping by Whole Foods to pick them up).
In fact, speaking of Carissa - did I forget to mention that she spent the WHOLE WEEK with us last week?! It was Josie's spring break and Carissa drove down from NY to spend it with us. I can't believe how quickly it went by and it was so fantastic to have her here! Josie will always love her Sisis! And so will we!
One last twirl from the ballerina before bed -
And she's officially done. Bedtime.
One last thing - is this not the most beautiful ballerina bun you have ever seen? I'm so proud of myself. :)