Our last "mama morning" together before Big started second grade & Little headed off to full-time preschool. The symbolism of them riding off ahead of me that morning definitely wasn't lost on me. |
We spent both of our last Wednesdays outside and on bikes! Our second to last morning together was at Lunken Airfield and park. It ended up being one of those things that could've ended pretty badly since we took the "the loop" without knowing exactly what we were getting into. As it turns out, we were getting into several miles of bike riding (with a very freshly minted two-wheeled-rider) and several miles of tricycle pushing. Thank goodness for the view! It was a really special morning!
We had just enough time to squeeze in some fun on the playground!
For our final mama morning, we headed over the Armleder Park and Bike Trail. It was the perfect morning - sunny & in the seventies. We left really early so we had a good three hours to spend together. We rode our bikes, hung out at the pond, talked about our favorite parts of summer, jumped over rocks, played on the playground and imagined that we ran a magic ice cream shop that changes mulch into ice cream and sprays customers with a giant whipped cream hose. It really was the absolutely perfect morning together! (Locals - this is a great little gem that we've learned few people in our circle know about. Check it out!)