October was a busy but festive month for our family. Halloween just spread right out across the whole month - which was of course fine with us.
The festivities began back at the beginning of the month with jack-o-lanterns at the Brazee School of Glass.
Josie of course wanted to be Dorothy this year, and since she already had the costume, I agreed to order her a wig to kick it up a notch.
We all had a blast with this wig! This was pretty much the most I laughed all month long.
We found a great Toto basket at the Salvation Army, and the Dorothy costume waited for Josie.
We carved giant pumpkins.
Josie hand-drew her own stencils for maximum spooky action!
Then toasted and carmelized the next batch.
Reality Check time! (We learn there are candy bars out there without the peanut info in the allergy information. A reminder we have to be extra attentive to keep Josie safe!)
Trick or Treat Time! Bea was hysterical. She wanted to eat every piece as soon as they handed it to her. Josie wanted to take hers all home and put it in one pile to see it altogether.
We left all the peanutty candy for the Halloween fairy (over half of Josie's basket which led to big tears).
It was a super fun, super spooky season.