I joked with the girls I work with that the last day of summer is kind of treated like a holiday in our family, and honestly it's kind of true. Lou & I scheduled the last Friday before school started as a vacation day way back in May. We decided to spend the day at Kings Island! It was SOOO much fun this year as the girls get big enough to ride more and more rides! Here are some of the highlights!
Needless to say, it was a "say yes" super silly anything goes kind of day!
Bea rode her first big roller coaster (formerly known as "The Beastie.") She is also stock-piling broccoli now because she wants to get big enough to ride The Diamondback. YAY BEBA!
Then, Josie rode THE BEAST!!!! The Beast is a big deal in our family so taking my daughter on this ride was a big moment that I've been looking forward to for about 30 years (seriously).
This ride is seriously no joke (click that link the The Beast above if you aren't familiar). Let's just say that she wasn't quite ready to jump right back on it when we were done and I may have left the ride with a bruise from getting squeezed so tightly, but we both agreed it was SUPER FUN!
One of these days the girls will be too big for the little kiddo land. So glad that day hasn't come yet!
Look who Josie & I spotted in the helicopters!
And then there was spinning! Lots and lots of spinning!
And Bea, in her infinite hilariousness, decided to do laps around this planter dancing and singing for passers-by.
Here are some other fun moments!
We also spent some time at the waterpark, but didn't take our phones. The girls were big enough to do all the tube rides and we all laughed like crazy going down in a giant tube together (even if I was stuck backwards the whole time). Then we ate blue ice cream cones while watching the 10pm fireworks and said so long to summer as we knew it. Felt like the pretty perfect conclusion to a summer of big fun!