Sunday, October 12, 2014

These Days, September

September was a weird one. Our pool stayed open that full first week, which meant we had some afterschool pool days that just felt weird. But alas, it wasn't long until those event-less evenings gave way to the (cue the horror music) "school year schedule." The abbreviated version looks something like this: 6:30am it starts and 6:30pm it ends. "It" being scheduled time when we all have to be somewhere or doing something specific based on the day of the week that it is. So, maybe that's another blog post because it honestly isn't as bad as it sounds ('cuz you know we have a good system in place), but it was a rocky transition this year. Going from "let's go to the pool" to "is it ballet, swimming or piano night" is quite a shift. For all of us. Perhaps this picture sums it up best - that's Beatrice on the floor of the piano teacher's house about to pass out the first week of Josie's lessons.

There was a whole lot more to the month of September as things fully transitioned from summer to fall. Here's the summary of all that happened in those weeks!

The final pool days -

Fun around the house -

Elsa is baaaaack -

We celebrated a birthday of a sweet friend -

We discovered an awesome new local playground -

I got to celebrate with my favorite goddess-girl - 

The girls started a new club: "The Secret Rainbow Society" -

We spent lots of time outside enjoying cooler temps -

In case you think these girls are always sweet, here's a peek into their dark sides. Josie has been way into wanting to be scary lately. Success. 

I captured this little gem of Beatrice after I caught her drawing all over her face with an actual pencil.

Back to the sweet versions of their little selves - like making cookies (because Lou loooooves making cookies) -

Here's a little story (shared from instagram) - These two were cracking themselves up over the story they were telling me. Synopsis: When J was in utero she used to cuddle the little speck that was future B like a tiny teddy bear. Then right before J was born she high-fived the B egg & said "See ya in three years speck." Yeah, so three cheers for little sisters with big imaginations.

And then Bea bit Josie.

Luckily, we've all decided the best way to stop the shoulder-muncher is to just move on with our lives.

Back to sweet Bea - 

Ballet is back in session -

And we celebrated another birthday with friends!

Long days in September often ended in long nights with overtired kiddos. One night I texted Lou this update - 

And got this back -

When autumn became official, we spent a full day in the yard doing some seasonal chores. We had some really great and super silly moments outside. We really just love our home and our neighborhood so much.

This image stopped me in my tracks one morning. We had a particularly rocky before-school routine and I was feeling super frustrated when I walked upstairs and saw their little ballet uniforms hanging in the window and was immediately reminded of just how lucky we are to have what we have.  In other words, choose gratitude. 

Even if a little late, we celebrated Josephine's 7th circle around the sun in her montessori classroom.

With an attitude of "If we ask our kids to take such risks, why shouldn't we step outside our comfort zones," I signed up for spinning classes with a friend. I'm totally hooked!

We got a weird blast of heat again. So Lou made a water park in the backyard (of course Lou made a water park in the backyard).

Josie joined a fall/winter swim team. She's a Sea Wolf now!

And Bea's a mermaid now, thanks to this sweet hand-me-down from a friend of Josie's. In fact, Beatrice is actually "Butterfly" - as in she has changed her name to Butterfly, insists we all call her that, introduces herself that way, etc. It's pretty awesome.

I ended September with a quick & dirty day trip to Orlando for work. It was one of those "head to the airport at 4am and get home at 11pm, multiple delays and missed connections" kind of travel day but all worth it because I got some great info for a project we're working on at the focus group I hosted.

Sunrise from the air -

Papa-mail from their walk to school -

Rainy day at the Orange County Convention Center - 

The fog that delayed my trip by hours. Those aren't clouds in the traditional sense. Look at the break in the clouds and you'll see the buildings popping out - that's how low the cover was. Crazy!

So, taking a cue from Beatrice, September was absolutely crazy. But October is already looking much better! We're setting into our routines and things are feeling good. So, September, in all your infinite insanity, we're letting you go!