Monday, February 20, 2012

A little more love

I had just a little Valentine's Day love that I had to share before moving on with the rest of the blog catch-up.

Josie made 30 cards this year (and thankfully much less ambitiously-designed than the previous years) and our goal was to hand-sign all of them.   Say what you will about Hallmark holidays and all, but we take this opportunity each year to try to focus on how taking time to create something special for people is actually a nice way to spend a day. She took this work extremely seriously, which is just "so Josie" so I had to share.

The telltale tongue reveals serious work - 
Such care...

And such delight with herself over mastering a heart to dot the "i" in her name (although, thanks Lou, but boy did that slow down the process)

(Special shout-out to Mariah for finishing up the valentines with Josie on Valentine's Eve while Louie and I had a little dinner date before the school parent meeting.)

I should also mention that my wonderful husband completely, totally surprised me with roses and a hot vanilla latte mid-afternoon. Imagine my surprise when I looked up expecting to see Mariah bringing Bea up to nurse but found Lou with flower and coffee instead.  Josie, upon coming home and seeing the roses from Lou, loved them: "I will share these roses that Daddy got me with you mommy." Thanks Jos.