Altogether now: "Rain, Rain Go Away. Come Again Another Day" (and preferably not on a holiday that an entire family marks on their calendar each year, that inspires matching outfits from Grandma, and happy sunshiny smiles from kiddos, and dizzy parents from too eagerly riding things designed for teenagers, etc, etc.)
So basically, this happened. Since the Johnson sisters started birthing babes, the 4Austins & 2Johnsons have ventured down for the first week of July and the 4th has always included a hot and sunny trip to soak up the best of Americana - our very own Coney Island on the Ohio River. Mother Nature had other plans this year. After our soggy (but salvaged) holiday that we ended up spending indoors at the Museum Center, the rain clouds parted just long enough for us to get in a couple of hours at Coney. By the look of these massive smiles, you'll see the rain might've dampened our rear ends, but it certainly didn't dampen our spirits. Here's the best of the photos. For more - head over to my
sista's little corner of the internet. You'll discover why there aren't even more pics of happy kids at Coney. I was too busy having just as much fun as the kids were. Special thanks to Tia for capturing some of those special moments on her camera. It sure is fun not to be the one behind the lens every once in awhile. (You hear that Papa Lou?!)
So, I'll push the mute button on the commentary and let you enjoy the pics. Right after I remind you all (and you kids reading years from now) that going to Coney Island is a special annual tradition that has taken on some significance for our family. It's the reason while you'll see so many pictures of those yellow turtles. They've become the marker for passage of time in our little foursome. Watching itty bitty Josie ride them years ago, sharing the joy with Lyla when she came along, introducing the turtles to Jack and to Bea last year, then Bea wanting to do them all by herself this year (a dozen times). 2013 had the specter of a coming transition. Josie was right at the "too big" line for all these little rides. While that meant she was "close enough" that they let her on the bigger kid rides, it's totally sad to think her yellow turtle days are over. But enough of that for now, back to the smiles!
Cousin Powers Activate! |
"I do dis by yourself," says Bea. |
Planning. |
Bea rode these again & again & again. |
The Last Time. |
These two melt me! |
This one sorta sums up sweet Jack's recurring thought on each ride. |
Add caption |
It doesn't get any better than this friends. The commercials are right. Coney has it (even in the rain).
Here are a few more courtesy of the iphone.
Another fourth of July on the books!