The road from Three Schneiders to Four Schneiders was not an easy one. We had felt loss before, having experienced a miscarriage before we got pregnant with Josephine in 2006. We lost another baby back in February 2009 after getting pregnant pretty quickly once we decided it was time for Baby #2. What we were not prepared for was what happened next: a year-long battle with infertility that would end in a surprising pregnancy in early 2010 that ended tragically three months later with the loss of the baby girl we had named Camille. These posts from our Three Schneiders blog tell the tale of our journey to becoming a Family of Four.
March 9, 2010: Let It Be
March 16, 2010: On Gratitude and Loss
March 22, 2010: Chin Up, Chin Up
March 31,2010: Her Name Was Camille
June 28, 2010: Little Earthquakes
August 4, 2010: Big News, Are You Sitting Down?
August 12, 2010: A Reality Check We Could Do Without
August 16, 2010: On Gratitude and Miracles
August 18, 2010 : Bursting with Joy
September 22, 2010: More Baby News
October 29, 2010: Breaking Bedrest News
November 4, 2010: Bedrest Update
December 22, 2010: There She Grows
December 30, 2010: Baby Updates
January 6, 2011: 2010 In Review
March 7, 2011: Remembering Camille
Here's a link to one of my favorite articles on the topic of miscarriage and loss. It's from my favorite magazine - Mothering - and sums up perfectly how I felt with the losses we suffered. In Praise of Telling Too Soon and another personal take on the experience that is beautifully poignant and honest. Setting It Down.
These are important, especially in the early reactions to news regarding a miscarriage.
Miscarriage: 10 Things Not To Say, and 10 Suggestions To Help
10 Things Not To Say To A Woman Who Has Had A Miscarriage
Other Links About Miscarriage, Infertility & Loss:
Note: If there are other resources that helped you or someone you know through their losses, please email me at and I would love to add them here.