Making mandalas out of things we find around the neighborhood or on our various family adventures is one of our favorite past times. What started as a fun way to participate in the #MondayMandala instragram community has evolved into the girls running up to me with treasures in hand declaring, "This will be perfect for a mandala." Their little hands collaborating on the perfect placement just melt me. They're always so proud of what they make and the calming collaboration is what making mandalas is all about. Here are a few scenes over the past few weeks of mandalas in the making - from things we found on walks in the neighborhood and one with chalk that Josie created on the stone path leading up to our house.
It's been awhile since we made a mandala out in the world for someone else to discover, so that's on the October bucket list. So many beautiful leaves out their just waiting to be assembled into a magical mandala!