Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Our first summer with sunflowers has come and gone. Josie is settling into the new routine of being back at school, going outside suddenly demands long sleeves and socks. And somehow it is September! I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog, so expect updates throughout the week.

The sunflowers really were the icon for our first full summer at the house. The seeds that started off in Josie's curious little hands grew to exceed all of our expectations and now lay drying out in the bathtub so we can harvest the seeds for replanting next year. {Cue the "changing of the seasons" song of your choice.} There's a fuller blog post on this swirling around my head should I find the time for it. Hope you're all doing well - and that time is passing more slowly for each of you than it is for us (although I somehow doubt that it is).