Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Splashin'

Oh, the backyard! We love having a backyard. And two kiddie pools, and a swingset, and a climber that Josie has outgrown and repurposed as a diving board.  Life is good this summer for the Schneiders. And after several busy, busy, busy weekends - we finally had a weekend just to hang out in the sun and splash around.  

Josie has become quite a daring little individual and has spent quite a lot of time over the last week trying to outdo herself and break her own records when it comes to jumping into (and sometimes over) the pool. (oh - the video - must upload the video!) Here are some of my favorite photos of our rip-roarin' splashin' good times in the yard (the yard we daydreamed about for a good year before we finally sold our condo and got this house). Enjoy!


FourAustins said...

The long awaited Zebra suit arrived - love it :) Now have you ordered the chair she requested?!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, looks like great time at the Schneiders. I love all those photos, and Josie sure does look like she is jumping very high in some of those photos. Laurie