Thursday, December 22, 2011


Excuse the overuse of Holiday word-play, but this December has been a huge blur.  I had several out-of-town work trips in December and at least one of the four Schneiders has been sick with something every day this month.  We also had some massive neighborhood & home repair action that left us with a totally destroyed front yard in the name of a new gas line and some pretty significant roof and brick work done to stop the flood of water into my office and the girls' room.  Yea, so it wasn't until about December 20th that I realized it was actually December.  As hard as it was to leave so many things on my To Do list undone, I stepped away in the middle of some work projects and took a couple of extra days off this week to try to get into the holiday spirit. (I hope those of you with paid holidays & vacations don't take them for granted!)

We put up a lot fewer decorations and our tree is still not actually "finished" but the house still rings with holiday cheer.  (And I can't tell you how awesome it is to be putting that FOURTH stocking up this year when I went round and round with myself at the time about whether or not I should buy it - so glad I did).

Anyhow  - that's about enough Bah Humbug! Now onto the Ho, Ho, Ho!

So, in the name of getting December 1st through 22nd off of my camera and onto our blog, enjoy!

Josie's favorite vintage Rudolph from Little Louie's Christmas days taking a nap under our tree - where Josie put "her" after literally jumping for joy when she found it in a box of decorations.

Asking if she could get pictures posing with Christmas things. The results -



Little Drummer Girl -

Josie climbs the ladder to help with the felt garland on the first of five or six nights it took to trim the tree.

Bea is impressed -

And adorable -

This next series is 100% Josie at its finest.

Notice first - her outfit - she dresses herself and has some hilarious ideas about what works. We go with it.

Now this is what she was working on - building stairs to lead her up to her stool so she could then jump on the chair. We went with it.

But like so many good ideas, the plan grew and the stairs transformed and form replaced function.  (See that tongue? That means she's serious.)
 Art emerges :)

Look closely - some coasters, toys, baby monitor, remote control - silly, sweet Josie!

Here are a couple more from our "fancy pants" photo shoot. Josie wanted to pose in pictures with us because we looked so fancy!

And one random day in December, Lou fashioned mouse ears for Beatrice out of an egg carton and piece of string - just because.

This is truly Venus' favorite time of year -

Back to decorating the tree again - we added a little bit more each night over a couple of weeks- 

Have you all noticed Bea's mohawk? Because it is rad.

My attempt at a photo of all three of them.

Mobile funky-haired Bea:
Lou captures Bea's inner glow-worm :)
 Our pedicures -

First Christmas gifts of the year (Thanks Mariah) !

Just last night - adding a couple more ornaments -

And I will leave you with a little collage of Josie before she left last weekend to go for the annual Cookies & Santa trip to Grandma and DD's.  She wanted to dress fancy and this is what she came up with. Then she wanted to "pose for lots of pictures making all different faces" (I fear I've created a monster my friends).


1 comment:

Catherine said...

Adorable! I cannot get over how big Bea is getting! Xx