Thursday, August 29, 2013

Washington (3): Day with Daddy

On Monday, it was work time for "Smart Mommy."  I reported for duty at the global Getting Smart headquarters with the best colleagues a gal could ask for, while Josephine & Beatrice did some exploring with the best dad two gals could ask for.

Funny thing actually, the following things happened on Monday while I was at work:

  • Lou took the girls to the Point Defiance Zoo
  • Josie realized her dream of zip-lining! And tackled a ropes course.
  • Josie & Bea rode a camel.
Guess how many photos there are of this big day? Guess how many text updates I got about all the fun that they were having?


#epicdadfail (only to be excused due to the fact that, ya know, Lou took the girls to the zoo to zip line and ride camels while I was at work)

But, don't worry. There are still a couple "Day Three" photos worthy of sharing, although there are no camels involved.

Vacation Treats

Vacation Sunsets

I think the whole 'purple mountain's majesty' thing is about this.

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