Here are a couple of pics from our time at the conference. To sum it up at a high level - it was a three day jumble of busting our buns for presentations, yummy food at business dinners, late night laughing til our tummies hurt in the hotel bar with colleagues that have become friends, and dipping our toes into Disney. All this was punctuated by text updates from Lou with pictures of the girls back home & Skype video voicemails before bed. Here are a few pics from the first half of the week.
That's right, Super-Papa Lou hopped on a plane with both girls and I sat like a kid on Christmas Eve in the hotel waiting for them. I had gotten just a taste of the fun we were going to have a Disney while we were all hanging out during the conference and I knew it was going to be insanely-awesome. (Spoiler alert: "Insanely awesome" doesn't even actually come close to describing the awesomeness.")
They boarded the plane & sent me this photo.
I walked over to the Boardwalk to spend some time alone and mentally switch gears.
And while this happened up in the clouds...
This happened on the Boardwalk...
And then I was totally ready for them!
And just like that, the hotel transformed from a conference hotel.... our Disney home base!
I might have run out to the shuttle they were on and cried happy tears as I escorted them wide-eyed into the hotel. It was getting late, but it was ON! We walked over to the Boardwalk where they had their first taste of what was to come - sparkling lights, cotton candy past bedtime, street performers, fireworks, and mouse ears in every direction!
It was Awesome Eve. As the only one of the Four of us who had ever been to Disney World, I knew the particular brand of "awesome" in store and honestly, I probably had a harder time sleeping than anyone.
Morning meant Magic Kingdom...
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