We have this new "say yes" parenting philosophy and it appears to be working out pretty perfectly for all of us. Basically it comes down to this - if the only reason we're saying no is because it would be easier not to or because we don't feel like it or because it's going to take a little work, then we say YES instead. It feels good to just go with it!
Last weekend was our first official start of summer - our first Saturday and Sunday without a Monday of school awaiting us on the other side. We kept the weekend intentionally open. On Saturday morning we woke up to a pair of "What are we doing todays" and met them with an "I don't know, what should we do?" They went from "Hmmm" to "Coney Island!!" in less than 2 minutes. Lou and I kinda looked at each other with a silent "Why not" and we were packing up a day's worth of outside gear 5 minutes later!
We have a lot of memories attached to Coney Island because since it's an annual trip, each time we go really clearly marks the passage of time and how much they've grown. I'll never forget the first time Josie road the turtles - we couldn't believe she was big enough to do such things! Then the day that she had a little sister to sit next to her! Lou and I sat with big full hearts and tears in our eyes as they went round and round together. We've also had so many fun whole family memories there each Fourth of July. Then this year, they both hit big milestones and we made a whole new set of memories - with fewer slow circles and more dizzy-spinny-squeals!
Yes, our little thrill seekers are signed up for the big leagues. Beatrice, who has interest in doing anything and everything that Josephine does, decided there was no real reason not to hit the Scrambler with both hands up this year!
We all ran up to measure the group and the four of us took to the tummy-tickling skies on the ship!
Then, it happened. While we knew Josie was probably going to be too big for the itty bitty kid rides in the center, we weren't quite ready for it the moment that it hit. The girls marched up the the helicopters and the teenage employee got out "the stick." We thought it was to measure if Bea was old enough to fly solo, but in actuality it was to determine if Josie was too tall. And, she was. It happened fast and without the speech I had planned to give Josie before the turtles. She froze and looked at me and I instantly got a little teary and that sweet boy who couldn't have been more than 16 or 17 looked at her and high-fived her and told her she was SOOOO lucky because she was now big enough for all the super cool rides and told her she was going to have such a fun day! That was that, Bea hopped on the helicopters and Lou and Josie headed to The Tempest and all the sudden we had crossed a couple of childhood milestones.
Then, more Family of Four adventures!
Then it was time for Miss Bea to tackle some more big stuff. Her first big coaster!!
Josie and Lou sat in the front car!
And that's when things started to get a little crazy. Lou took Bea to the little rides and Josie and I took to the skies! The last time I road this thing was on a dare with my Dad, Lou and Brother in Law. It felt a little too soon for Josie, but she said she was ready! Something about being in a spinning cage with a six year old feels a little disconcerting, but we went for it. We only did a couple of big flips and that was enough for both of us! (Especially because I timed the flip wrong and we ended up upside down while at the top. EEEK!)
Then Bea was ready for some spinning. This is probably one of my least favorite rides on the planet, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Evidence that this thing actually does make you grow cross-eyed!
Arms up Josie!
Then Josie challenged Lou to this monster. (True story, a much younger and spin-tolerant Carri & Lou once scanned the internet with a college friend to track down this ride until we found it because such things seemed like a good way to spend a day a couple of decades ago.) So, away they went!
Yay for the laws of physics that kept my kiddo glued to the side of this thing as it spins totally vertical in the air. Not surprisingly, there was only ONE enthusiastic thumbs up as the ride ended. Apparently next time we go to Coney I have to occupy the seat next to Josie on this one - yay.
While Josie and Lou kicked it new school, Bea and I kicked it old school.
Then it was time for a coney at coney! (Even if Lou & I stuck to fries.)
And games! Bea won herself a Frozen poster as we warned every person in a 1/2 mile radius that we were giving a dart to a three year old.
Josie is an epic sling-shotter!
Hot fun in the summa time!
After a couple of hours swimming and water-sliding at the World Famous Sunlite Pool, it was back to rides with some girls who had another wave of bravery.
Time to Tilt A Whirl!
Right about the seven hour mark we started to hit our Sit and Spin Limit!
The girls had a couple final needs - Josie wanted to ride in the "adult seat" on the Frog Hopper.
Yay for a fun summer vacation kick-off at Coney!
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