And they're off! I'll save the insane swarm of emotions we're feeling for another post and focus instead on the awesomeness that is these two sweeties heading off to school together. It is such an enormous blessing to be their parents.
Josephine is entering her 2nd year in the 6-9 montessori classroom. In other words, she's a second grader (which is TOTALLY insane to me as a former 2nd grade teacher.)
We're all SUPER excited for Beatrice to be joining the fun of full-time montessori preschool! Josie has been really sweet coaching her through everything to expect.
So, off we walked to school. With two little girls who woke up, picked out their own clothes, packed their own lunches and literally skipped off to school together.
(Then off walked home two emotional parents trying hard to believe they are no longer the parents of infants and toddlers but instead the parents of two school-aged children. But, like I said, this post isn't about that - says the mama typing from a really, really quiet house.)
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