Monday, January 10, 2011


Welcome to our new & improved FOUR SCHNEIDERS blog!  
We are so happy you are here.  

This new blog will pick up where Three Schneiders left off and kick it up a notch from there.  The biggest change is the list of tabs just below our header.  I get asked a lot of questions from friends and family about a number of topics and this seemed like a great place to collect and hold all those great links, books, products, etc. Take a look around and feel free to make suggestions for things we can add. 

You will also find Josephine's birth story and the new baby's birth story ("to be determined") as well as old favorites like the "Things We've Learned So Far" list.  We have also honored our journey from a family of three to a family four in the "On Hope and Loss: Our Road to Four" tab.  This page will link you back to the posts from Three Schneiders about our struggles with infertility and loss.  One of the hardest parts of miscarriage is feeling alone, and I hope this page will be a place that brings some solace and peace to anyone else who unfortunately has to experience the loss of a child.

So...welcome aboard!
We'd love to hear your feedback, comments & suggestions.
Thanks for taking the next step of this exciting journey with us.


FourAustins said...

Am I the first - Am the first?!?! Hello Fourschneiders! YAY, cheers, joy, excitement, blog envy, HAPPY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to watch this blog grow. Laurie

FourAustins said...

Yep...when I find time I am SO stealing a new backgroud from - LOVE!!! XOXO!!

Charissa Talsma said...

The blog looks great Carrie! I wondered when you were going to move over...and I'm sooooo happy that you get to move over to Four Schneiders! Blessings in the next couple of weeks!