Halloween 2014 will always go down in history as Frozen Trick or Treat. There is more than one reason for that. For starters, Disney's Frozen still has a tight grip on many young imaginations and there was no doubt whatsoever that Beatrice would join the 'army of Elsas' marching across the land on October 31st. In other frozen news, it was freeeeeezing cold on Halloween. There were even snow flurries (only adding to Bea's exuberant joy about her Elsa get-up)!
Suffice it to say, the girls were troopers. We went in with realistic expectations, telling each other that even if it ended up being just a few houses, everyone would come away feeling like they had sufficiently gotten their Halloween on. Who knew that we'd brave the elements nearly two hours until noses were frozen and finger tips were numb? (There was a midpoint car warm-up and neighborhood tour for a warm little respite.) It ended up being a really fun, albeit frozen Halloween.
Honestly I think part of the reason they lasted so long is because they were both pleased as punch with their costumes. They decided early on (like early September early on) that they wanted to make their costumes this year. We obliged and decided to do a little week by week so it wasn't at all overwhelming. And, they were pretty simple costumes.
So, no, I did not make Bea's Elsa dress. 1) I know my limitations and 2) I know a good Amazon deal when I see one. But I did make her a furry cape that she wore for exactly 90 seconds before boldly proclaiming "the cold never bothered me anyway" and throwing it onto the wet grass. Stinker.
Clearly she was pretty into the whole Elsa thing. (And how stinking funny is that wig?!)
Josie's costume evolved a few times - starting first as The Bat Queen of Halloween and ending up a vampire bat with fangs and all. Clearly she was pretty into the whole bat thing too. (I love their imaginations!)
Here's a few more from trick or treating around the hood.
Her "Bea face!"
Her "Elsa Face!"
Halloween bonus feature:
I'm happy to report that save one really insanely creepy experience with an actual platter of peanuts that this lady invited kids to reach their hands into to "dig out" candy, we had a pretty good peanut-allergy-friendly Halloween. For the first time, we ended up with more safe candy than unsafe candy. Not sure if that means more people are thinking beyond Snickers or more companies are making their lines safer. Either way, we had two happy girls! (We don't allow any peanuts in the house so sweet Bea gladly set aside the unsafe candy in her basket too.)
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