Monday, April 4, 2011

First zoo trip as four

(The catch-up posts continue...)
The weather was beautiful the second weekend that we had Beatrice home and I couldn't wait to get out and enjoy our new family of four.  (You'll remember that November was the last time I could get out and get anything even remotely approaching exercise.)  So, the zoo sounded like a great idea. Truth told, it was waaaaay too ambitious.  Bea was well over her carseat after spending the whole morning in there (Josie had ballet and then we went to Whole Food for lunch) so she fussed about 90% of the time.  I somehow forgot how hilly the zoo is and was pretty quickly in a decent amount of pain.  Josie and Lou, however, had a lovely time! So lovely in fact that they think I'm nuts when I reflect back on the trip with anything less than absolute joy.  Here are a couple of pictures.  I took a total of six the whole time we were there - which says a lot!
"Elephants, I like Elephants"


Still Posing, (Um check out that attitude)

More interested in the playground than animals today

Proof Bea was there and Proof Josie was ready to go home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures of the attitude, too cute. Laurie.