Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jumperoo, Take Two!

For those of you who have been around from the beginning, you might remember Sweet Baby Josie loving her Jumperoo. Bea has officially (and already?!) outgrown the swing, so we decided to give the old Jumperoo a polish & shine and let Beatrice give it a whirl. She's still a little young for it, but it's something new and she likes being vertical. She's not bouncing in it yet, but I know she will one day. Heck, it's gotta be somewhat genetic right?

Here is Josie "showing Bea what to do" (which was a lump-in-the-throat moment since that video above seems like it just happened last week and not almost four years ago):

Um, she is wearing clothes although she looks totally naked. 
 And here is Beatrice carefully listening to her big sister's instructions, which included showing Bea a video on my phone of her jumping in the jumperoo. Hilarious.

 And Bea - quite pleased with herself - and looking quite a bit like her sister at this age if I do say so myself:


Grandma Peggy said...

Another adorable story and great moments with Ms Josie and Ms Bea! Thanks again for sharing!

Anonymous said...

OH how adorable. I love all the photos, alhtough the one with Josie showing Bea the video is just precious. Laurie